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Numa, Joraga Chieftain(玖瑞加酋長努瑪)
1Etali, Primal Storm(始嘯埃泰力)
1Vivien Reid(薇薇安瑞德)
1Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger(飢餓之聲弗霖凱)
1The Wanderer(飄萍)
1Varina, Lich Queen(巫妖女王瓦理娜)
1Tajic, Blade of the Legion(教團之刃塔疾克)
1Anje Falkenrath(<安姬伐肯納>)
1Ygra, Eater of All(萬生噬獸依格拉)
1Aurelia, the Law Above(蒼天鐵律歐瑞梨)
1Safana, Calimport Cutthroat(卡林港割喉客莎法娜)
1Lord of the Nazgûl(那茲古爾領主)
1Loot, Exuberant Explorer(興奮探險家爛寶)
1Cazur, Ruthless Stalker(無情潛伏客卡祖爾)
1Laelia, the Blade Reforged(重鑄利鋒拉耶梨)
1Neheb, the Eternal(永生內赫布)
1Sméagol, Helpful Guide(有用嚮導史麥戈)
1Wydwen, the Biting Gale(螫人風薇溫)
1Gimli, Counter of Kills(爭功金靂)
1Adeline, Resplendent Cathar(華輝護教軍艾德琳)
1Rowan Kenrith(蘿婉肯理斯)
1Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion(月智者後裔哪失)
1Kiora, the Rising Tide(揚潮奇奧拉)
1Zareth San, the Trickster(詐術師澤雷尚)
1Tazri, Stalwart Survivor(堅念餘生者塔茲莉)
1Myojin of Night's Reach(夜幕明神)
1Firja, Judge of Valor(英勇判官菲妍)
1Slimefoot and Squee(黏足與斯奎)
1Nissa, Resurgent Animist(復生物靈師妮莎)
1Hikari, Twilight Guardian(暮光護衛秘加理)
1Daretti, Scrap Savant(拆解學究達雷迪)
1Illuna, Apex of Wishes(控念霸獸依盧那)
1Lozhan, Dragons' Legacy(龍族傳承洛珊)
1Emiel the Blessed(受福的埃米爾)
1Atraxa, Grand Unifier(大一統飛將亞崔夏)
1Meren of Clan Nel Toth(奈拓族的莫倫)
1Yidaro, Wandering Monster(遊蕩怪獸依達羅)
1Delina, Wild Mage(狂野法師德莉娜)
1Deathleaper, Terror Weapon(恐懼武器死亡躍襲者)
1Alania, Divergent Storm(發散風暴艾嵐妮)
1Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful(希歐蕊信徒羅娜)
1Danitha Capashen, Paragon(典範達妮莎卡帕軒)
