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1Sundering Growth(破散生長)
1Spirit-Sister's Call(龍緣相喚)
1Cold-Eyed Selkie(冷眼海豹妖)
1Forgestoker Dragon(鍛焰巨龍)
1Nantuko Vigilante(保安螳人)
1Archon of Justice(正義統領)
1Dragon Whisperer(巨龍傳諭)
1Junk Winder(垃圾盤蛇)
1Grim Servant(殘酷僕從)
1Tricks of the Trade(行業訣竅)
1Omnath, Locus of the Roil(狂攪核歐那斯)
1Savage Surge(凶蠻翻騰)
1Aether Gale(乙太狂風)
1Esper Panorama(艾斯波全景)
1Songbirds' Blessing(鳴鳥頌福)
1Council's Judgment(眾議裁定)
1Etherium-Horn Sorcerer(乙金角術士)
1Dinosaur Hunter(恐龍獵人)
1Shivan Dragon(西瓦巨龍)
1Pawn of Ulamog(鎢拉莫兵卒)
1Ainok Survivalist(犬人求生家)
1Wall of Wood(木牆)
1Meteor Shower(<隕石雨>)
1Azorius Charm(俄佐立護符)
1Cinder Barrens(煤燼瘠地)
1Starlit Sanctum(星耀聖所)
1Galecaster Colossus(<風鑄巨像>)
1In the Trenches(壕溝備戰)
1Broken Wings(翅翼斷裂)
1Sigarda's Vanguard(席嘉妲的先鋒)
1Unleash the Inferno(釋放獄火)
1Blood Crypt(血腥墓穴)
1Plague Stinger(疫病飛刺獸)
1Generous Gift(慷慨贈禮)
1Syr Elenora, the Discerning(慧眼伊諾拉爵士)
1Memory Erosion(侵蝕記憶)
1Taigam, Ojutai Master(歐祝泰族宗師泰伽姆)
1Talisman of Progress(精進飾符)
1Red Ward(紅色守護)
1Pheres-Band Warchief(斐力茲族戰酋長)
1Fleeting Flight(飛逝羽翼)
1Moan of the Unhallowed(孽物哀吟)
1Filigree Attendant(絲金隨員)
1Arcane Investigator(秘法調查專家)
1Geth's Verdict(蓋司的裁定)
1Phantom Monster(幻象怪獸)
1Wing Snare(捕鳥網)
1Howling Mine(嚎叫的礦井)
1Smuggler's Copter(走私直升機)
1Glissa's Courier(格莉莎訊使)
1Terrain Elemental(地勢元素)
1Etched Host Doombringer(蝕刻兵團末日魔)
1Spirit-Sister's Call(龍緣相喚)
1Spinal Embrace(脊椎強殖)
1Animal Sanctuary(動物庇護地)
1Machine Over Matter(械勝於物)
1Pierce the Sky(劃破蒼穹)
1Felidar Retreat(晶角獸生息所)